When it comes to coaching, I have one philosophy. It is up to YOU!
This philosophy is the “why” behind Up2University ™ Leaders Unveil Leaders coaching memberships.
What is Up2University?
Up2University ™ Leaders Unveil Leaders is a membership-based coaching program designed by thought leaders for thought leaders looking to maximize the potential of their lives, businesses, and missions through intentional influence and faith.
What does Leaders Unveil Leaders mean?
Simple. It is intentional influence. It means a leader intentionally influences another leader who will intentionally influence another leader who will… Well, you get it, right?
We are big fans of the parable of talents in Matthew 25:14-30 at Up2University ™ . It has convicted me personally more times than I care to admit, but here is why. We are given gifts and talents not to keep them to ourselves but to double them through investment. It’s one thing to bank on your own gifts and talents and use them to better yourself, but it is a whole different story when you can take what has been given to you, share it, and equip others to do the same.
As a lifelong learner myself, I have chosen to invest more than 20% of my income year after year into my own continued education. Having done this consistently over the last 20 years with some of the most well-respected mentors and coaches in the personal, professional, and faith development industries, I can tell you the life change you read about in my story is the direct result of it. I don’t want to bury that education and experience. I want to share it. With YOU!
Is the Up2University Coaching Program for you?
Can you answer yes to any of these questions?
Are you a life-long learner?
Do you have a dream bigger than yourself?
Do you wish to impact your family, community, and world?
Do you say to yourself, “I know there is more”?
Do you understand this is not a get-fixed-quick program and it will be up to you to put in the work?
Do you like to share?
If you answered yes to one or all, choose one of the following coaching packages and request a free coaching call
Unveil: $249/mo
If you are new to coaching, and looking to wake up your family life, business, or mission, the Unveil series is for you. You will have access to our self-guided resources, online community, and up to 12 coaching calls. You will also receive VIP pricing on our annual Up2University live event!

Unravel: $695/mo
If you have found success in your family life, business, or mission and are looking to find the tangles stopping momentum and the string of opportunities in front of you then the Unravel series is for you. You will have unlimited access to our self-guided resources, online community, and up to 24 coaching calls, 12 group and 12 individual. You will also receive VIP pricing on our annual Up2University live event.
Unleash: $999/mo
This coaching level is for top performers and thought leaders only. You will have access to everything the Unveil and Unravel coaching series has and additionally have scheduled one on one strategy planning sessions with myself personally. Your Up2University live event is free for you and a guest. This exclusive 1-year membership is limited to 6 qualified applicants who have met the minimum income and performance requirements.
Accepted applicants only.

Emily has been a wonderful mentor and coach to me. She helped me find my true calling and passion in life. I was at a job that I was hesitant leaving due to the financial stability of the position, but with her guidance I was able to create my own path. She taught me the importance of diving in with two feet and trusting yourself and your dream!
I was busy raising my kids and working (much more than) full-time. A natural born self-starter and go-getter, I thought that the only way to succeed was to work until I couldn’t work anymore. By the time I had my third child in 4 years, I was mentally and physically exhausted, and my family life was suffering because I felt like I was just going to work, coming home, and then doing it all over again the next day. Through coaching with Emily, I was able to realize that my skills and potential outside of the job I was doing – which was a hard realization since it was what I went to college for, and what I thought I “should” be doing. Emily’s coaching helped me to gain confidence in my talents and ultimately take a leap of faith to quit my full-time job and plunge into a new opportunity that meant more time with my family while still being able to be the self-starter and go-getter I knew I was born to be. Emily’s coaching gave me the insight I needed to seek balance in my life–balance my family needed even more than I knew. Once I took the leap of faith and began my new career path, Emily’s coaching helped me to continue to not only find my talents, but to take the things I enjoyed doing, and use them in my work. Being coached by Emily has been life-changing in my career and family life, but also my personal life. Once I felt at peace with my career choices and found balance between working and my family, I was able to focus on my personal life and my own health and wellness, something that was often lacking when I was unhappy and exhausted. Finding a peaceful work-life balance gave me more time to explore other things I enjoyed and am interested in, more time to take care of myself and my family, and enabled me to do work I am proud of not by working more, nonstop, and harder, but by working more efficiently, smarter, and successfully. I am so grateful for Emily as a coach in my personal and professional life, and I plan to use Emily’s coaching for many years to come.
As an introvert and a creative, it’s unusual to have someone say “I see THIS in you” because I hardly open up to share, even with close friends and family. Emily’s magnetic energy awakened my drive for success when she recognized my gifts and talents, by using her own gift – coaching. I was able to leave a toxic work environment to begin a journey in the direction I was meant to explore. Adventuring into the unknown is scary, but with Emily’s coaching the fear only fuels me. She has honestly changed my life, I wake up every day with gratitude because I get to do what I love and have a positive effect on the lives of others.